Usha Martin School, Malda

Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, upto +2 level (Affiliation No: 2430175, School Code: 56136)

For admissions, call:- 03512-263090, 9330994718, 9330994827

School Fee

Class One Time (INR) Discount scheme for NEW ADMISSIONS ONLY
Non - Refundable Refundable Yearly Monthly
Prospectus Registration Admission Fees Security deposit Session 2024-25 Tuition Fee 2024-25 Admission fee Discount % Admission fee Session Charges (25%) discount
NUR 500 1000 32000 1500 17000 2300 100 0 12750 18050
LKG 500 1000 32000 1500 17000 2300 100 0 12750 18050
UKG 500 1000 32000 1500 17000 2300 100 0 12750 18050
I 500 1000 34,000 3500 18500 2600 70 10,200 13875 31,675
II 500 1000 34,000 3500 20500 2600 60 13,600 15375 36,575
III 500 1000 34,000 3500 20500 2600 50 17,000 15375 39,975
IV 500 1000 34,000 3500 20500 2600 40 20,400 15375 43,375
V 500 1000 34,000 3500 21500 2800 40 20,400 16125 44,325
VI 500 1000 34,000 3500 21500 2850 40 20,400 16125 44,375
VII 500 1000 34,000 3500 21500 2950 40 20,400 16125 44,475
VIII 500 1000 34,000 3500 22000 2950 40 20,400 16500 44,850
IX 500 1000 42,000 5000 23500 3150 40 25,200 17625 52,475
X NA NA NA 5000 23500 3150 NA NA 17625 NA
XI 500 1000 42,000 5000 23500 3200/3400 40 25,200 17625 52,725
XII NA NA NA 5000 23500 3300/3700 NA NA 17625 NA

Optional services:

Optional services:
1 School transport Rs -1550 per month (Rs -1750 for Gazole) and Rs – 2000 for Winger
2 Hostel Rs – 9700 per month
3 Lunch RS. 1050/- (I TO III), RS. 1250/- (IV TO XII) per month

Call To Enroll Your Child

Affiliated with CBSE, New Delhi, Usha Martin School in Malda offers a nurturing environment and holistic education for your child's development. Call us to learn more and secure your child's future today!